Convert VirtualBox HardDisk To VMware

Categories: Linux

hello in this article we will simply convert vhd file (VirtualBox disk image) to VMware disk   our VirtualBox disk is “systemdisk.vhd” we will use qemu emulator to convert the disk our target app to do the convert is qemu-img


port forward & pivoting with meterpreter

Categories: Security, tech

Let’s assume u attacked machine with 2 nic cards our IP is first, one ip is that you reach it from and in ifconfig shows, the machine has a different  IP you can scan the network 10.0.2.x via meterpreter arp_scan

we can connect to the RDP server of the machine […]

IPTABLES redirect all ports to one port

Categories: Firewall, Linux

hello this  iptables rule to redirect all incoming traffic from all ports to one port example 80 on ip


MetaSploit Payload to Executable EXE

Categories: Security